
it would be very nice to see my Pascal 2D Engine "Andorra 2D" in the "Pascal Game Library Guide":

Andorra 2D

Primary API:
Various (Uses shared objects)

Platforms Supported:
Win32 X, Win64 ?, Linux X, MaxOSX ?

Compilers Supported:
Delphi for Win32 X, Turbo Delphi X, Free Pascal X, Lazarus X

Last Version: 0.3.5 (0.4 coming soon)
2D Graphics: (Uses Plugins) Direct3D, OpenGL
Window System: (Uses Plugins) Win32 API, VCL, LCL, GLFW, (SDL)
Input Devices: (Uses Plugins) GLFW, (SDL), VCL, LCL
Physics: Newton
Author: Andreas Stoeckel
License: Dual: Either CPL or GPL
Source: Open

To be honest I don't know much about the popularity of my engine, but it is downloaded about 10 times a day and I get two to five E-Mails with questions about it a week.