Have you ever wondered what would happen if a load of PGD members ever converged in one place at the same time? It'd probably cause some sort of stock market crash or the end of the world or something.. which is why I think it's never been attempted before..

Now, I've never believed such stuff, call it foolish, call it reckless, but it's a chance I'm willing to take.

I want us to arrange the 1st Pascal Game Developers Conference.
It'll be open to anyone and everyone on the site, to pascal developers, artists, musicians and anyone else who wants to take part.

Because apart from just getting together, meeting like minded developers and generally being a good laugh, there's a bigger issue to resolve... and I think we all know what it is....

( cue drum rolls and dramatic music... )

In lieu of the 2008 Annual...

(drum roll intensifies)

There will be a global gathering,

a meeting of minds,

a Code-off,

A 3 day code-a-thon

Ladies and Gentlemen, without further ado

I present, the 2008, PGD Competition

[size=24px]Red Versus Blue,[/size]

A contest between competing teams to make the best game possible in a very short amount of time, from the Friday night to Sunday afternoon. Your team will be required to carve code from the very fabric of imagination itself.

(music stops abruptly)

all we have to do, is decide when and where...

(music continues)

A location has not yet been decided upon, We'll leave that up to you.

If you're interested, if you've up for it, PM me with your Country and City and which month this year you'd feel would be best.

Then, once we've collected enough, we'll decide on a location and date.

The actual rules to the compo and prizes will be detailed later. But essentially, we need to know that you're up for it.