Quote Originally Posted by User137
Oh i know what happens... Because of perspective view the sphere front becomes much wider than center part of sphere when zoomed close in and therefore glow will be smaller than visible sphere. Imagine looking at a cube from straight front, the front face will cover everything up when watching it closer, and it is the same thing. Solution could be scaling up the glow when coming down to certain range... .
Yip, you are absoultely right. When it comes to calculating the scaling - I think that it could be something with the distance between the observer and the sphere. I believe that there's an equation that would help us solve it, but I'm not good at maths. :?

But there's a ray of hope. This function taken from GLScene looks interesting and could help us getting the scaling work properly:
procedure TGLCamera.AdjustDistanceToTarget(distanceRatio : Single);
vect : TVector;
if Assigned(FTargetObject) then begin
// calculate vector from target to camera in absolute coordinates
vect:=VectorSubtract(AbsolutePosition, TargetObject.AbsolutePosition);
// ratio -> translation vector
ScaleVector(vect, -(1-distanceRatio));
AddVector(vect, AbsolutePosition);
if Assigned(Parent) then

Anyway, I'm waiting for your opinions.