Okay... let's keep this topic alive shall we.

I just baked this piece of code...

Use this routine to read a Null-Terminated String from a MemoryStream. The function reads MaxLength - 1 Characters from the stream and adds the null-Char at the end. If the function encounters a NullChar while reading, Buffer will only contain the characters precending the NullChar and the NullChar itsself. The routine returns the ammount of bytes read.
Stream: TMemoryStream; //Global stream

function ReadStr(Buffer: PChar; MaxLength: Integer): Integer;
TCharArray = array [0..MaxInt-1] of Char;
PCharArray = ^TCharArray;
I: Integer;
Chars: PCharArray;
Result := 0;
if (Stream.Size - Stream.Position <= 0) then Exit;

Chars := Stream.Memory;
I := -1;
if Chars[Stream.Position+I] = #0 then Break;
until (I = MaxLength -1);

Result := Stream.Read( Buffer^, I ) + 1;
Buffer[Result-1] := #0;

I have tested this code, and it's working correctly AFAIK.

Might become handy when you are trying to make a C compatible API wich relies on Null-Terminated strings.