Okay, the rule of this is simple, you can post a reply, but you need to reply with a piece of useful code that you wrote and that everyone can use.

For example, this function rotates a vector around the Z axis, and works on any vector type (be it glscene Tvector or tvector3f or some other vector type..) as long as it consists of 3 sequential 32 bit floats it will work.

procedure RotateVertexXY(var vector; const angle: single);
  COORDS:   array[0..1] of single absolute vector;
  TEMP:     array[0..1] of single;
  AFUNC:    array[0..1] of single;
  anglerad: single;
  TEMP[0] := COORDS[0];
  TEMP[1] := COORDS[1];

  anglerad := degtorad(angle);

  AFUNC[0] := Cos(anglerad);
  AFUNC[1] := Sin(anglerad);

  COORDS[0] := TEMP[0] * AFUNC[0] - TEMP[1] * AFUNC[1];
  COORDS[1] := TEMP[0] * AFUNC[1] + TEMP[1] * AFUNC[0];