Hi all,

It's a while since I posted some of my engine news. I'm currently working alone on Necro3D Game Engine 2.
The progress is really slow as I don't have much time, but I still want to show you all some results dough.

Features so far:
- Fully functional plugin system for video, sound, input, network and games
- Can run multiple plugin DLL games at the same time that share resources (no communication yet, thats still to come)
- Multi threaded (currenly only loading of resources)
- Resource manager for meshes, sounds, textures and shaders
- Deferred shading
* Point light
* Directional light
- Some nice post effects
* Cartoon outlines
* Screen space ambient occlusion
* Radial blur
* Bleach bypass
- Good interaction with the editor
- Simple in-game console
- Resource loading from package files and disk

I still don't have a clear goal to make a game, so I don't have any real "game screen shots". Anyways here are 2 basic screen shot I took:
Deferred shading:

Post effects