No problem, here are a few reasons:

- Phoenix Lib is "OpenGL only" and therefore unflexible. When a new DirectX or OpenGL version is released, all I have to do is change about 1000 lines of code (from about 50.000). This is also an advantage for the user - let's say in ten years everyone has a ray tracer graphic board and all other graphic operations are done using software. To get your Andorra 2D application run again simply exchange this single graphic system library. A software renderer that will allow to use Andorra applications everywhere is in progress.

- Andorra 2D is more flexible than Phoenix 2D regarding formats: If you want to add a new image format (e.g. for protecting your game content), all you have to do is to write a small image loader library and include it in your project (see AdPNG.pas, AdBMP.pas, AdTGA.pas, AdFreeImage.pas etc.). Its the same with video and package formats.

- You can either fully integrate your application into the VCL/LCL or use it as an standalone application that directly uses SDL, GLFW or the Win32 API. All window events can be received via the Andorra Window Framework wrapper (AdDraw.Window.Events) in both modes.

- Andorra 2D allows you to use multiple surfaces to draw at. They can be offscreen - the video in my first post was rendered on such a surface and I simply dumped its content into a file.

- Andorra 2D features a flexible shader interface that allows you to do cool effects (this effect framework will be extended with one of the next version, including predefined effects)

- Andorra 2D makes use of dual core CPUs (only in the video player and the particle systems now)

- I forgot: Andorra 2D has a video player

Ok, I'll also tell you a few reasons against choosing Andorra 2D:

- Some features in the OpenGL plugin hardly depend on extensions and therefore won't run everywhere - but you don't have to use those features (Surfaces, Shaders)

- Andorra 2D is a graphic engine and not a game engine (for instance it doesn't feature a input or a sound library)

- No script support included now (and won't ever be)

- Most tutorials are in german (btw. does PhoenixLib have Tutorials?)

- My documentation has a few "gaps"

Thats it for now - I hope I didn't name a feature that PhoenixLib has. Remember I don't want to make PhoenixLib "bad" - I think it is a great thing and Andreas Lago should keep on working on it.

Another thing: I opened a thread about adding Andorra 2D to the "Game Library Guide" here. Probably someone could do this...

I hope I convinced you, ;-)