:arrow:System: Windows Vista, Pentium D 805 2,66 GHz, GeForce 7600 GS
:arrow:Compiler/IDE: Delphi 2007 for Win32
:arrow:API: OpenGL, Vampyre Imaging Library

Hello men.

I have a little problem with my texturing unit. I've noticed that the textures are mirrored. Is it a problem with the graphics library I use or maybe OpenGL can be at fault?

Here is a screenshot (and for those who don't know, how it should look like, here is the correct version ) and below is the code I use for loading a texture. Please not that the texture file itself IS NOT mirrored.
procedure TTexture.LoadTexture(TheFile: TFileEntry);
ImagesArray: TDynImageDataArray;
MainLevelIndex: Integer;
ImgFormat: TImageFormat;
if LoadMultiImageFromStream(TheFile.TheData, ImagesArray) and
(Length(ImagesArray) > 0) then
case FTexDetail of
tdLow: MainLevelIndex := 2;
tdMedium: MainLevelIndex := 1;
tdHigh: MainLevelIndex := 0;
case FTexComp of
tcNone: ImgFormat := ifUnknown;
tcDXT1: ImgFormat := ifDXT1;
tcDXT3: ImgFormat := ifDXT3;
tcDXT5: ImgFormat := ifDXT5;
FTexHandle := CreateGLTextureFromMultiImage(ImagesArray, 0, 0, True,
MainLevelIndex, ImgFormat);
if (FTexHandle > 0) then
Log.Log('Texture created successfully.', 'UBETexturing');
FTexFile := TheFile.FileName;
end else
Log.Log('Unable to create the texture.', 'UBETexturing');
end else
Log.Log('Unable to load texture.', 'UBETexturing');

TheFile.TheData.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);

Thank you in advance!