Thanks for the reply Robert,

What I was trying to do was 'obscure' some code, The MIDlet Pascal compiler generates byte-sized Java code, but unfortunately has a 'nasty foot-print' . It falsely comes up with your generated code as a virus in scanners such as Norton. This was due to someone making a virus with it. And guess it never got 'cleared' of the virus scanners because by the MIDlet Pascal team, because it is now an abandonded project by them for some while.

I am not being lazy when I ask for someone to help if they know how to use an obsfucator, I have just hit a brick wall. And maybe goes outside the scope of what this website is all about - Pascal.

However had a bit of a re-think, I'll shall try and compile a simple 'Hello World' app in Java, using Java code and using the NetBeans IDE and the WTK toolkit that is used for Java (theres and obfuscate option in there, so maybe I missing other stuff needed and can't just do it with a .jar file)

It's just fun seeing Pascal on a phone! Maybe someday so one would do a PVM (Pascal Virtual Machine) that runs on anything, anywhere