Dear members & visitors of PGD,

It probably is no news to you that PGD is having a very quiet period. News appears very infrequent, member posts are counted on a weekly basis instead of daily, banners showing events that took place a long time ago and in general less and less people appear to visit PGD.
Now, we've had some slow times before, usually around summertime where people were enjoying the sun instead of spending time behind their computers. But that would usually pick up around september/oktober again. That however, hasn't really happened yet. We trust this situation will still only be temporary and that things will start to pick up again in 2009.

To that end, we've decided to do a redesign of PGD. The current one has been around nearly 4 years and while it is still functional and doing its job, we believe it is time to give PDG a new set of clothes, and at the same time fix a number of technical issues some of you have been experiencing.

Below we have already compiled a short of list things we want to address.
- create a new graphical design, something simpler and smaller (both in size, as well as bandwidth requirement),
- replace the current front page,
- update the forums with new software,
- replace the library and article sections.

But, we imagine that you have some ideas as well. What we want from you is to share those ideas on how to make PGD better. What do we have to do to make you more active again? What do we have to change to make PGD in the coming years better than it was ever before?

Plan is to begin these modifications January 2009, so make sure your ideas are made public by then.


PGD Staff