Hey is there a way to know if the user has finished writing in a cell ?
Most controls have an "onexit" event which is triggered when the user try to move to another control (so you can assume the user finished doing editing that control"

However that is not usefull for the stringgrid component, becouse you want an event when the user try to move from cell to another cell; unfortunately there is none event exactly like that.

If want you want is to validate what the user entry that there is a kind alternative using "ongeteditmaks" event where you can defined a mask string to validad the characters before it gets entered.

If want you want is to "get" what the user write in a cell after it move to another cell then i think you can do that coding few simple own stuff, like using your own prior_row and prior_columns variables to store which row and column the user was editing, and use "onsetedittext" to inspect which column and row is the user is currently editing if are diffrent then inspect the content of prior row and column cell using your custom variables, do what you want to do and then update your custom variables with current.

good luck.