
A few months (October) ago I started to write script language which can be used in games written in Delphi (not c++ ). Name is Force Script Language and its syntax is quite similar to Pascal (some new operators, "overload" is not used to overload method and some less important things). Actual version is 0.2, it's still can't be used in external projects but it can be used to write some console programs. Source is visible (but can't be used in commercial).
So, FSL offers:
You can write programs and units, procedures and functions.
5 types: integer, real, char, string, boolean.
Many operators.
Three loops: for (to/downto), repeat, while.
And more things written in readme en.txt.
There is manual but only Polish, some simple examples and bigger example: Five in a row (XandO files) vs AI.
Screen from game written in FSL (there is English version):

And to source:http://fp.unit1.pl/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/fsl02.rar, please test, ideas are welcomed
I wrote FSL in Turbo Delphi.
And sorry for my English, it's not my native language