Compiller: Delphi 2006
GAPI: OpenGL 2.0 / GLSL 1.2

- Camera Frustum
- Occlusion Query

- Dual Quaternions (linear interpolation)
- Layered blending with weights
- 2 weighted joints per vertex
- Hierarchical skeleton (calculated every frame for every model on CPU)

- Vertex Buffer Object extension
- Full custom vertex declaration (all vertex parameters sending as attributes)
- GL_TRIANGLES with vertex cache optimization (NvTriStrip)
- Contain indices influence skeleton joints

- From Maya to raw xml - Collada
- From xml to binary format

- RGB-DXT1 for Diffuse & Specular maps
- Swizzled DXT5 for Normal maps (-YZX)
- Texture file contain all MipMap levels (to 4x4 px)
- All 3 textures in demo is 1024x1024
- Anisotropic filtering 16x

Level Of Detail:
- LODs for meshes & materials
- Model in demo contain 3 LODs:
0) near (7 meters)
Diffuse + Bump + Specular
- 3228 tris
- 61 joints
1) middle (14 meters)
Diffuse + Specular + Vertex lighting
- 1353 tris
- 33 joints
2) far (> 21 meters)
Diffuse + Vertex lighting
- 902 tris
- 19 joints

Shaders may be viewed in notepad (data.xpk) ^_^