Quote Originally Posted by KidPaddle
I made a new sample http://www.seban.de/download/memtest.zip

- Loading and scrolling a image with 700x800 Pixel
- Playing an ogg music file

Image and music is loaded using sdl, music played with SDL_Mixer, but image is copied into non used memory area by linux and blitted manually. I have no solution found, getting a physical memory address from given pointer SDL_Surface.Pixels, which is needed by the blitter.

Button are:
- A and B - enable/disable v-sync
- x for exit

Next is writting a simple framework for windows and gp2x development.

Hi Thomas,
I tried the new memtest program on my GP2X and it works nicely
The image scrolls perfectly, and with v-sync on I get around 43 FPS, and with it off I get around 340 FPS!!
