Quote Originally Posted by Ixy

Still stuck with this.
I just can't follow your code, as I don't understand some parts of it (for example, how can variable Result have an integer value in Floor Function, while it's a boolean in TileIsWalkable function. And from what I see here, Result is a global var... :?

If it's possible, could you write just pseudo code? Or just explain without the code exactly what you did. I just need a procedure for checking if player is standing on a solid tile (and if a tile left or right from him is walkable).

I have solved gravity, acceleration, movement (left, right etc...) and that kind of stuff.

Thanks for your help!
are you a c++ coder? :shock:

Result is not a global variable, inside a function it works like return

return 1; is the same as Result := 1, only difference is delphi does not ret on a result, where as c/c++ does.

to be more precise, Result is a local variable (as the function return type), that is returned at the end of the function, or at an exit.
