Well there were several bugs with the old site that reoccurred from time to time. And the old site, though it had many nice features, it didn't mesh or combine all that well together as a whole. Missing sections from the navigation menus, hefty bandwidth usage and a hard to see and difficult to use and articles system which sorely needed replacing were main reasons for the new site. Though I am no longer a part of maintaining or developing the PGD site, I understand the problems that were there when I left. Alex(Traveler) and Dom(savage) have my most sincere kudos for giving the ole' gal a much needed face lift!

A couple of things that didn't quite make it to the forums yet, that I noticed:

- Some of the more popularly used emoticons (arrow, thumbsup, cast of characters, etc)
- [Pascal] code blocks

Keep up the good work, I think the new software is great!!!