Hmmm that looks a bit like a Sony Ericsson P900! Ive always had PDA phones right through from SE P800 to P990i. Unfortunately last week, My SE P990i packed up for good and since there was no successor, now the unproud owner of a SE C902.

Got to get used to having a phone without a keyboard, a phone is not a phone unless it has a keyboard...

I've got a game that I have posted pictures on here you might want to test? As I have done stuff for PDA size screens...(actually it should work on all as autosizes anyway to fill the screen) I could upload to a file website for you to test?

It's been obsfucated too...I managed to work out how to use one in the end!

As that annoyance of false a virus that MP has...

Also starting to use custom library units which add extra features to MP like vibrate (as per the manual i have followed and got it to work) so I might be of some use!

Im working on a what I hope to be a commercial sellable that will be finished this month i hope too...