Hi thanks both for replies.

yes i use ID3DXMesh to load the x files, the way i was thinking is. if i have a list of points, i can check if any points pass between the points of other models. (that are in range of collision checking)

as for a simple bounding box, i would love just todo this for now, but the problem i have is, one of my models is a room. (walls, floor, etc) if i calculate a bounding box then it covers the whole x model, so my other models (such as a human model) cant enter inside of the room due to collision even on a door way for example. If you have a better solution, i'd love to hear it. thanks in advance

a small example of my problem with bounding box.

model 1 = Room, with no ceiling.

ok so room is loaded up with bounding box, and now camera has a bounding box also. and now the problem, below you will see camera cant enter into the room because a bounding box around the room is useless....

hope you can help. Thanks again.
