Will, about AI... I know you like it, but what did you have in mind?
Well, I think he's talking about everyone writing nifty intelligent code. No pun, but I wouldn't call the examples you mention "intelligent" (except from the Drive along track with physics one). Here are a few examples:

> Make units that can behave in different ways e.g Agressive, Passive, Guard stance, patrolling, and make them change to a different state depending on the situation. I could think of a game where the player has to rob a bank full of guards. You could use this kind of AI to make the game more difficult and fun.
> If you are writing a sci-fi game with battle-ships n stuff, you could do something similair with enemy ships. For example, let them fly away when they are allmost out of fuel, or let them generate a should around themselves when they have alot of energy but no ammo etc.. Let them make smart decisions.
> AI also consists of things like path-finding, line of sight things, data-sharing between multiple "intelligent" instances/objects etc...

I think it can be a fun theme for the compo, but i also like "The big race".