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Thread: led lamps (energy efficient ?)

  1. #1

    led lamps (energy efficient ?)

    On a side note in the netherland new led lamps were introduced claming to use al lot less energy then an ennergy effecient lamp (spaarlamp) but after a test they took the same amount of watts due to a power conversion needed :-(

    Can led lamp use efficien power conversion to operate or is an energy efficient led lamp an fable... - create adventure games without programming

  2. #2

    Re: led lamps (energy efficient ?)

    Where is that report? The report i read is that the wattage is nearly correct. The main problem is the light itself, it's too weak in comp. what is displayed on the package.
    I have several LED lights, I like the way they shine. They don't flicker and it's not too bright. I hate those energy efficient lamps. They are horrible.

    And, frankly, if a lamp uses 2 or 6 watt I don't give a shit.

  3. #3

    Re: led lamps (energy efficient ?)

    It read it in a newspaper article. The quoted report cannot be found however. But in follow up articles it bacame clear that 2 factories dont agree with each other blaming each other bad quality :-) - create adventure games without programming

  4. #4

    Re: led lamps (energy efficient ?)

    The report is here:
    It's typically Dutch, to complain about everything.
    If you look at the wattage it's but a minor difference. Some even use Less watts.


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