So, im a begginer in Pascal.
Since now, i've only worked with free pascal and made simple one script applications.

Now i would like to learn more about pascal and i want to do something bigger.
Ive downloaded Phoenix to see what can i do with it. Ive noticed that it's deffinately not a one script engine. And I have no idea how to run it for using. One thing i figured, i need a better IDE then the free pascal. Ive been working with c++ since then, so as far as i understand, i need to manage project files. So ive downloaded Lazarus.

I can't figure out how to get started with this. Could someone give me a step by step guide on how to set up Pheonix (or any engine for that matter) in lazarus? Cause now, it gives me such errors, that it can't find "phxEvents" etc.

Thank you very much.

Edit: Ok. Ive downloaded adorra 2D. I can't even find a single project file in the engines folder! So i guess i need to make one out of a demos .pas file... Ok, but it doesn't compile, cause it doesn't find "AdDraws"