Rest assured, that I'm doing my best to make sure there is a competition this year

At the moment, I'm working hard on the competition site (I'm writing a site specifically to handle programming competitions for us - Not just the annual, but one or two peeps have expressed interest in small weekend style competitions) and sourcing prizes and writing the terms and conditions and deciding on the competition structure and...........

Anyhow, you get the point I have to agree though, it is great to see so many active projects. I'm still trying to get around to rewriting our PGD Annual 2006 entry... the original used unDelphiX was too slow and used scripting which made it run like a dog... I have a new engine design I'm working on which should improve things... openGL for a start that manages to maintain it's framerate where unDelphiX fell short, and we're in the process of working on season 3 of our browser game and a next generation product derived from the browser game storyline.

It's just that work (or more accurately, finding work) and this dammed competition are getting in the way