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Thread: Who is making a game?

  1. #31

    Re: Who is making a game?

    I didn't even know I was registered here, but since I got this notice in the mail, I thought I ought to show what I'm working on...

    It's a 2D fighter, think Street Fighter etc.
    Programming, graphics and design is all me.
    Done with Delphi 7, using DelphiX components.
    I also have a non-user friendly tool to set hitboxes/animations/damage/properties of animations and all that.
    I'm keeping it semi-secret though since I seldom finish games all the way, but I've got a good feeling about this one... I havn't gotten this far in a while. When I have all gameplay elements ready and 2-4 complete characters (2 so far), I will release an alpha version for balance testing at the Shoryuken forums.

    Enjoy the first public screenshots!

  2. #32

    Re: Who is making a game?

    Could I try asking a slightly different question?

    Who has made a game in Pascal? Or, to be more specific, a game that gamers have heard of. The last major game I'm aware of that was written in Delphi was Age of Wonders, and that was 10 years ago. Does anyone know of a more recent example?

  3. #33
    Co-Founder / PGD Elder WILL's Avatar
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    Re: Who is making a game?

    There are a few that have made a fair bit of impact in the indie/casual gamer scene... I mean does having a review from an indie game review site count as something that gamers have heard of?

    In that case there is:

    - CrashBlock (Winner of 2007 PGD Annual and a contender at the 2008 IGF)
    - TombClimber (made some sales, probably Magic Storms strongest selling so far interviewed at Bytten)
    - Wicked Defense (has wowed many and have it's own review I'm sure somewhere... don't know how it sold though...)
    - Azlant Dreams (another one from the creators of Wicked Defense it was relesed late 2008/early 2009)
    - Abra Academy 1 & 2 both (they are selling quite well at BigFish and uses the Phoenix SDK)
    - Another game like Abra Academy, made by the same people, but I forget it's title... also at BigFish...

    That it off the top of my head. You could count Projekt W, but it's unfinished. It does wow the hell out of most people that look at screenshots, etc.. lol

    Personally I think that some of PGD's best and brightest should start making some games. You know who you people are.
    Jason McMillen
    Pascal Game Development

  4. #34
    Co-Founder / PGD Elder WILL's Avatar
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    Re: Who is making a game?

    ...and wow some of the game screenies keep getting more and more impressive as they come.

    You know all you guys just posting these and telling people that you are making a game really does help to show what the Pascal community is really like and that it's a VERY active community which produces games, many which are very enjoyable to play.
    Jason McMillen
    Pascal Game Development

  5. #35

    Re: Who is making a game?

    I plan to have a 1.0 version of Mundo 3D MMORPG in a few months.

    Youtube v??deo:

    One screenshot:

    Sourceforge project's page:

    Pascal Game Development Forum:
    Developer of Mundo Project -

  6. #36

    Re: Who is making a game?

    I have to say that it's really great to see many people creating games.

    I'm not making a game at the moment, but I'm working on a UV-mapping plugin for DeleD, which will (hopefully) help others to create nice looking game-content. I have some game ideas though and once I finished my plugin, I'll pick a library and start one a game again.

    I'm also hoping that there will be a compo this year. That'll definitely encourage me (and quite a few others) to start a fresh new project.
    Coders rule nr 1: Face ur bugz.. dont cage them with code, kill'em with ur cursor.

  7. #37
    PGD Community Manager AthenaOfDelphi's Avatar
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    Re: Who is making a game?

    Rest assured, that I'm doing my best to make sure there is a competition this year

    At the moment, I'm working hard on the competition site (I'm writing a site specifically to handle programming competitions for us - Not just the annual, but one or two peeps have expressed interest in small weekend style competitions) and sourcing prizes and writing the terms and conditions and deciding on the competition structure and...........

    Anyhow, you get the point I have to agree though, it is great to see so many active projects. I'm still trying to get around to rewriting our PGD Annual 2006 entry... the original used unDelphiX was too slow and used scripting which made it run like a dog... I have a new engine design I'm working on which should improve things... openGL for a start that manages to maintain it's framerate where unDelphiX fell short, and we're in the process of working on season 3 of our browser game and a next generation product derived from the browser game storyline.

    It's just that work (or more accurately, finding work) and this dammed competition are getting in the way
    :: AthenaOfDelphi :: My Blog :: My Software ::

  8. #38

    Re: Who is making a game?

    I know it isn't a game, but I'm also using Delphi 5 to create a Lua scripting plugin for DeleD so people can make procedurally created geometry, etc. inside DeleD for games and other projects


  9. #39
    Legendary Member NecroDOME's Avatar
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    Re: Who is making a game?

    @Paul: That sounds interesting creating geometry on the fly!!
    A few months back I started on procedurally generating a tree, but I stop development because I didn't saw a way to use it yet. But i'm interested
    Please keep us up to date
    NecroSOFT - End of line -

  10. #40

    Re: Who is making a game?

    I'm still developing Dage, a 3D Adventure Game Engine, with Delphi6+GLScene. It has gone up to version 0.2.0 and now it even supports saving and loading games including many many other features.
    If you got interested, check
    Current projects with Delphi & Lazarus: Dage - Dog Adventure Game Engine.

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