If you've happened to have a nose around the web for stuff relating to the competition, you'll no doubt have seen it referred to as 'The PGD Annual'.

Well, as the site is being revitalised this year, and the competition is back, we have a new site that will host the competitions...


This is a very early version of the site software, but I want to avoid any last minute hitches, so I'm opening the site for signups and testing of the parts that are there. Just bear in mind that it will undergo a complete database wipe before it is launched properly ready for the competition. If you find any problems with the site, report them here. Likewise, any comments (good and bad), pop them here.

In case you're wondering... just because it's called pgdannual.com, we won't be limiting it to one competition. Several times, people have commented about having smaller weekend competitions... the plan is that once the system is finished, we'll be able to handle those too.