Quote Originally Posted by pstudio
I'll have to take a look at phxEntity again but I do like the concept of using plugins. It's cool that you can make any entity playable by just adding a single controller plugin for instance.
I spent yesterday evening refining this further, i created a HomingMissileBehaviour, that moves one entity towards another one with a maximum angular velocity, and it seems to be working flawlessly

After some more testing I'm considering ditching the TPHXEntity.Clone as a object construction method and use something like thise:

TPHXEntityDefinition = class
  // Name of the entity definition
  FName: String;
  function AddImpl(const AParent: TPHXEntity): TPHXEntity; virtual; abstract;
  // Create a new entity from this definition
  function Add(const AParent: TPHXEntity): TPHXEntity;

   // Name of the entity definition
  property Name: String read FName write FName;

constructor TPlayerDefinition.Create(SpriteImages: TPHXImageList);
 Image    := SpriteImages.Find('Sprites/AncientCruiser');
 PatternIndex:= 0;
 ShipName  := 'Ancient Cruiser';

function TPlayerDefinition.AddImpl(const AParent: TPHXEntity): TPHXEntity;
var Sprite: TPHXSprite;
 Sprite:= TPHXSprite.Create(AParent);
 Result:= Sprite;

 Sprite.Image    := Image;
 Sprite.PatternIndex:= PatternIndex;

and creating a player sprite:

Player:= PlayerDefinition.Add(nil) ;

and then you can retrieve the definition like this:

This seems to be working

Quote Originally Posted by pstudio
So the first demo is about collision between TPHXShape's?
And I'm looking foreward to the breakout demo. It may be overkill to use such an advanced collision system for such a simple game, but it makes easier to focus on the interesting parts.
Yeah, without messing with collision bodys and worlds, just to get a feel for the inner workings of the collisions, it describes the shape types etc.

Quote Originally Posted by pstudio
Looking foreward to the next release
I've had some great progress over the last few days, i have a canvas demo to make and some more fine tuning on the sprites, and then its time for a more final release. I wont promise to much, but you might see it before the weekend!

Quote Originally Posted by pstudio
Not surprised. I doesn't even work well with Vista
Actually, i found out that using the classic undocked view for normal and debug use removed the error messages!

Edit: fixxed the code tags