Quote Originally Posted by pstudio
I don't know about this TPHXEntity.Clone function you're talking about. I can't find it in my version of Phoenix (2009-05-11 it's the latest public release right?)
Yeah, its not in that version, it was discussed previously in this topic as a sprite creation tool.

Ie at game startup you created one of every type of sprite and then used the clone on them to add sprites to the game world.

The reasoning behind this is basically to get faster sprite creation and less sprite classes (makes creating a pool of sprites a lot easier)

Quote Originally Posted by pstudio
I must admit I'm struggling to see the big point with a THPXEntityDefinition. It gives a nice structured way to create entities but is there more to it?
One thing is that it gives a (optional, i might add) nice way of creating sprites. It is really the model in the MVC pattern. It is also a place to put all the data that isn't necessary common to all entities (again, without inheritance as with the affectors).

Also what i found about the Clone is that you seldom need a exact copy of a sprite, the definition class solves this by putting the copying code in a user class.

I ran into a few bugs last weekend that i had to track down, but everything i wanted to get done before the release is completed, need to make sure everything compiles (D7, FPC as well) and cleanup some stuff.