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Thread: anti-aliased lines

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  1. #1

    anti-aliased lines

    Has anyone got any code for drawing anti-aliased lines? Preferably quickly using scanline. And I mean a proper anti-aliased line - not just drawing a line and then blurring it.



  2. #2

    anti-aliased lines

    Would Wu anti-aliasing do you? I know that there's an add-on somewhere at Turbo which implements this (TurboPixels or something like that -- maybe by Michael Wilson). It's for DelphiX but shouldn't be difficult to convert to normal TBitmap. I'm pretty sure that Graphics32 has anti-aliasing (and incidentally, it's waaay faster at some things than TBitmap/TCanvas -- check the demos) too. Are the above any use to you?
    "All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind."
    <br />-- Aristotle

  3. #3

    anti-aliased lines

    Weird, that's exactly what I did! I used the Turbo Pixel code and modified it.
    Here's my code.

     TRGBTripleArray = array&#91;0..1000&#93; of TRGBTriple;
      PRGBTripleArray = ^TRGBTripleArray;
    // anti-aliased line
    procedure TForm1.WuLine&#40;ABitmap &#58; TBitmap ; x1, y1, x2, y2 &#58; Integer ; AColor &#58; TColor&#41;;
      deltax, deltay, loop, start, finish&#58; integer;
      dx, dy, dydx&#58; single; // fractional parts
      LR, LG, LB &#58; byte;
      deltax &#58;= abs&#40;x2 - x1&#41;; // Calculate deltax and deltay for initialisation
      deltay &#58;= abs&#40;y2 - y1&#41;;
      if &#40;deltax = 0&#41; or &#40;deltay = 0&#41; then begin // straight lines
        ABitmap.Canvas.Pen.Color &#58;= AColor;
        ABitmap.Canvas.MoveTo&#40;x1, y1&#41;;
        ABitmap.Canvas.LineTo&#40;x2, y2&#41;;
      LR &#58;= &#40;AColor and $000000FF&#41;;
      LG &#58;= &#40;AColor and $0000FF00&#41; shr 8;
      LB &#58;= &#40;AColor and $00FF0000&#41; shr 16;
      if deltax > deltay then begin // horizontal or vertical
        if y2 > y1 then // determine rise and run
          dydx &#58;= -&#40;deltay / deltax&#41;
          dydx &#58;= deltay / deltax;
        if x2 < x1 then begin
          start &#58;= x2; // right to left
          finish &#58;= x1;
          dy &#58;= y2;
        end else begin
          start &#58;= x1; // left to right
          finish &#58;= x2;
          dy &#58;= y1;
          dydx &#58;= -dydx; // inverse slope
        for loop &#58;= start to finish do begin
          AlphaBlendPixel&#40;ABitmap, loop, trunc&#40;dy&#41;, LR, LG, LB, 1 - frac&#40;dy&#41;&#41;;
          AlphaBlendPixel&#40;ABitmap, loop, trunc&#40;dy&#41; + 1, LR, LG, LB, frac&#40;dy&#41;&#41;;
          dy &#58;= dy + dydx; // next point
      end else begin
        if x2 > x1 then // determine rise and run
          dydx &#58;= -&#40;deltax / deltay&#41;
          dydx &#58;= deltax / deltay;
        if y2 < y1 then begin
          start &#58;= y2; // right to left
          finish &#58;= y1;
          dx &#58;= x2;
        end else begin
          start &#58;= y1; // left to right
          finish &#58;= y2;
          dx &#58;= x1;
          dydx &#58;= -dydx; // inverse slope
        for loop &#58;= start to finish do begin
          AlphaBlendPixel&#40;ABitmap, trunc&#40;dx&#41;, loop, LR, LG, LB, 1 - frac&#40;dx&#41;&#41;;
          AlphaBlendPixel&#40;ABitmap, trunc&#40;dx&#41; + 1, loop, LR, LG, LB, frac&#40;dx&#41;&#41;;
          dx &#58;= dx + dydx; // next point
    // blend a pixel with the current colour and a specified colour
    procedure TForm1.AlphaBlendPixel&#40;ABitmap &#58; TBitmap ; X, Y &#58; integer ; R, G, B &#58; byte ; ARatio &#58; Real&#41;;
      LBack, LNew &#58; TRGBTriple;
      LMinusRatio &#58; Real;
      LScan &#58; PRGBTripleArray;
      LScan &#58;= ABitmap.Scanline&#91;Y&#93;;
      LMinusRatio &#58;= 1 - ARatio;
      LBack &#58;= LScan&#91;X&#93;;
      LNew.rgbtBlue &#58;= round&#40;B*ARatio + LBack.rgbtBlue*LMinusRatio&#41;;
      LNew.rgbtGreen &#58;= round&#40;G*ARatio + LBack.rgbtGreen*LMinusRatio&#41;;
      LNew.rgbtRed &#58;= round&#40;R*ARatio + LBack.rgbtRed*LMinusRatio&#41;;
      LScan&#91;X&#93; &#58;= LNew;
    Thanks anyway


  4. #4

    anti-aliased lines

    I must admit that that procedure doesn't seem very optimised (lots of converting to/from floats... hmm!). Maybe this one is a bit better -- I had a quick look and it seems to avoid any floats (good for speed). I haven't tried it, though, since I'm at work. It should be very straightforward for you to use -- just replace the Canvas.Pixels[] lines with the equivalent scanline thing.

    EDIT: from that page. Also, I haven't checked that it does arbitrary angles and isn't just up/down/left/right. I hate being at work!
    "All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind."
    <br />-- Aristotle

  5. #5

    anti-aliased lines

    That one looks a bit weird to me. I'm not sure it's Wu. I'm happy with the one I've got - it doesn't need to be that fast because I'm just drawing it on a background bitmap so it's only drawn once and not every frame.



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