Due to one or two other commitments that have eaten my time, I've fallen behind with developing the competition site. Please don't panic as I am going to be releasing details of the theme and opening signups etc. on Sunday 5th July, and stage 1 will commence immediately, ending on 11th July as originally planned.

There will be some points for the design document.

We have (unless things change, at least four judges... two representatives from two of our sponsors and two others. I say at least, as I'm waiting to hear back from another sponsor). So, when I setup the questions to the judges forum later this weekend... please be courteous at all times as you could be talking to some of our sponsors. Please don't hassle the judges about machine specifications... that information will be available to you via the competition homepage on the competition site as soon as the judges have submitted it.

If you have any questsions/comments/concerns etc. about anything relating to the competition, please email me directly on athena at outer hyphen reaches dot com and make sure you put PGD2009 in the subject line... if you don't it may be filtered by my spam filter.