Quote Originally Posted by tpascal

I did a ms3d binary file format reader/writer long time ago.

- Refcount should have to be 0, it is used internally by milkshape and it start with that value.
- You need to have at least one group and assign your data to that group;
- smoothgroup should have to be value 1.
- Note that if you want to include MS3D_VertexEX data you have to put propely the subversion value.

This is a copy of my ms3d reader/writer wich include bones and animations with weight vertex; but it discard comments data; I hope it can be usefull for someone.


Note that i dont have idea which is today current ms3d filformat version, but Mete was always carefull not to break backward compatibilty so this reader/writer should work with today ms3d files.

good luck with the bones and animations part of your plugins, it is a realy headache to interpret correct that data if you have not experience with skelatal animations.

Good luck
Thanks tpascal!

It should be quite helpful

I'm pretty sure I won't be doing MS3D_VertexEX at all...
