GLScene have issues with vista and windows 7, at least, is what I read on every forum.
The hitler textures on walls are replaced with a "black banner", but hitler is on the game, on Episode 3, Floor 9... The Boss... The hitler monks gets replaced with a new enemy, the "WarLord", is like the Hans Grosse boss, but have less life... so, I just minimize his appearance...
The engine have more extra enemies, but they are unused for now...
I'm working on a possibility to have "mid level" switch's, that enabled/disable something (a switch, that detonate a bomb on a pilar, opening the way, or "unlock" a door....)
Also, I have some nice images, that can be used as "Quest", so, you can only leave the floor if you collect then first.

The last version is on , this version have better AI (queued pathfind), and some bugs fixed...