I add some extra features to the game, change some sprites and sounds.


* Ammo Racks
* Smoke Trail for Projectiles
* Better AI - There is always improvements to be done!

Ok, some people says about sounds that don't echoing over doors, the original wolfenstein echoes sounds in a area, with doors opened or closed. But they have a extra "sprite", called, "Deaf Guard", that I didn't add to the game (sorry). So, all guards can wear sounds. In current state, If I enable the sound to go over doors, Is very possible to have a chain reaction, that makes ALL guards on the level comes at you... lol (I did it before). The trouble is that guards don't need keys to open locked doors...
Maybe I can add the possibility that sounds echoing over unlocked doors only...
Also, the enemys don't have the patrolling state (this state makes then walking in a path marked on the floor).
Yes, all this knowledge I get modding the original game, and reading it's source code...