Quote Originally Posted by Andreaz
I havnt written the input handling for the D3D9 provider, so thats not surprising it doesnt work I probably going to use SDL for the d3d version aswell, to avoid having to mess with the win api
No wonder it didn't work

Quote Originally Posted by Andreaz
I'm having trouble reproducing the shape problem, but i'm going to rewrite that function, i think it would be wiser to use the existing TPHXShape classes instead of the custom TPHXImageShape i'm using now.

Theres quite a bit of code in the image editor, so i'm not surprised if there is more bugs lurking there

Thanks for the error reports!
I agree on using TPHXShape instead of TPHXImageShape. I first thought it was TPHXShapes until I looked at some code. Then I looked for a method to convert ImageShapes to regular Shapes. Honestly I can't see the reason for having a custom shape type for images when you have a well featured general shape type.
I'll also like to use TPHXShapes in the image editor to give an easy way to define shapes for collision detection.

Quote Originally Posted by Andreaz
The code you written should work. So something seems to be odd, what kind of shapes are you using? If it is boxes i have a idea of what could case it.

If the problem is what I think it is its due to only testing 2 separating axes for the Boxes, it is enough for detecting collisions, but it might return the wrong collision information.
I'm using TPHXPolygons and the CreateBox() method. I'll try some other ways to define my shapes and see if that helps.

He he, no I'm not currently making a Bio Menace clone. I just needed some test sprite and decided to use this. My game would hopefully be more like Metal Slug.