Quote Originally Posted by Andreaz
Well the reasoning behind it from the beginning was to decouple the image class from the shape class, and that each shape can have a owning pattern, but that is only needed for the editor so i guess you could specify that manually when editing the shapes.

Should the shapes be saved in the image file? Or is it sufficient so save them in a ShapeList file?
IMO it would be alright to save the shapes in a separate file. It may even be the best way, since you e.g. don't have to waste resources on loading shapes if you only need the images for some task.

Quote Originally Posted by Andreaz
I'm having trouble reproducing the error, I've written a new demo to get some more information on the swept collision testing (09_SweptCollisions):
http://phoenixlib.net/files/Phoenix 2009-08-09.7z

I cant find some way to break it here. However i have experienced that the code sometimes behaved strangely when going in full speed and not step mode as here, but I thought i had got rid of those things.

I'm beginning to suspect that that error comes from somewhere else in your code.
Well I won't deny the possibility that somethings is wrong with my code, but as far as I can see the code I posted is the only place were I manipulate the horizontal position.

I played your platform example and experienced the same problem as in my example.
If you keep on walking into tile (32, from the right side, the player will "shake" like in my example. But it works fine when if you hit a tile from the left like tile (40,.

For me it seem like theres something a bit wrong with the collision info when you hit the shape on the right side.

Unfortunately I still can't' debug it in Delphi. It does make it hard to find the exact cause of the problem.

Quote Originally Posted by Andreaz
You mean TPHXBox.Create i suppose, i found that bug there, bad thing when you only creates boxes with the same side length ;p
Yes I naturally meant TPHXBox and not TPHXShape.
I've made the same error and didn't discover it either until i tried a rectangle instead of a perfect square.
