I'll try the SDL version instead.

I tried the phxDirect3D9_Win which seemed to work fine until I tried to read some input. Nothing happens at all. It seems the TPHXApplication.HandleEvent(const Event: TPHXEvent) is never called when a key is pressed and therefore the instance of TPHXInput isn't updated.
The code worked fine when I switched to OGL (besides the access violation).

The image editor is looking really good though there are a few bugs. I can't scroll around and see the full image when I'm zoomed in. There were also some problems when I tried to add shapes to the file. The editor went a bit berserk and added oddly placed points to my shapes out of nowhere.

I'm looking forward to see a complete version of the map editor I was working on my own, but it seems that yours will do the stuff I need when it's done.