Due to real life and work I haven't had much time to look at or even think about my entry for this years competition. WILL spurred me a bit about it and I decided I'd at least try and get something done in the few minutes I have here and there. Problem is, I still haven't managed to get segment->segment reflection working within the system.

Basic problem, a point moving from one frame to another frame creates a collision with a ray (tested using segment intersection tests). Using the previous point to the current point to create a segment and then testing against the current segment I can easily find when and where the intersection happened. Now I need to create a reflection of the segment for the point so I can re-calculate the previous and current positions of the point.

I've tried a lot of different things and none seem to work. I'm convinced its me and not the examples I've read up on, but I just don't have time to fix it. If ANYONE can take a look at the attached download in the test/reflection folder there is a simple demo. Click and move the mouse to move the points. Green line is the moving point line, blue line is the "reflection plane", the red line is the "calculated reflection", and the black circle is the intersection point. The red line should bisect the black dot and blue line and be a proper reflection of the green line (currently isn't). Any help on getting this fixed would be greatly appreciated, if I can get it working in the test I know I can fix the actual Verlet system.

Download source at: http://www.eonclash.com/PGD/Verlet2.zip

- Jeremy