I found a solution.
It is a small workaround for now until SDL 1.2.14 will be released.

A few steps to get SDL applications working on Snow Leopard:
1. Checkout the latest SDL SVN source and compile the framework for yourself with XCode.
Alternatively: I also uploaded the framework to my webspace. Download it here.
2. Copy the framework to /Library/Frameworks
3. Extract libSDLmain.a as described here: http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/F...mework_version
4. Add the following lines to your code:
{$linklib SDLmain}
5. Compile your source code and don't forget to link against the frameworks (at least Cocoa and SDL)

Note: The compiled just works on Snow Leopard. Building with 10.5 SDK does not work (at least not at the moment).

Building with Tiger SDK works, if you slightly change step 3. Add "-fno-stack-protection" (without ") to your compiler flags.

There are still some problems with SDL_gfx though, like wrong color when drawing primitives.