Hey Stoney, I'm just now starting to learn how to install SDL for the Mac. It seems that your small tutorial here is all that we have here at PGD.

You seem to have simplified a few things (big thanks!) however there is something left out it seems. Where you tell us that we have to compile the SDL.framework files to make our static library, you've left out the details that the FPC article alludes to. I downloaded your copy of the SDL.framework, thanks for making that easy. But I'm stuck at where 'devel-lite' is mentioned in the article, but you have not given any details on this. Is this needed? And if so where is this Mac OS X version they are talking about? If you don't download a Windows version, you only get source. Also when I run the following code...

gcc -c -o SDLMain.o SDLMain.m -I /Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Headers
ar r libSDLMain.a SDLMain.o
ranlib libSDLMain.a
...it complains that SDLMain.o and SDLMain.m cannot be found. Where are these files? And what should I be doing about the apparently missing files?