I would appreciate it if someone can help me.

When I select DO3D to get hardware acceleration with begin and endScene I get an ugly error message: IDirect3DDevice7 cannot be made. Using latest unDelphiX.

Anyone had the same problem?

if not (doDirectX7Mode in DXDrawGame.Options) then
DXDrawGame.Options := DXDrawGame.Options + [doDirectX7Mode];
if not (doHardware in DXDrawGame.Options) then
DXDrawGame.Options := DXDrawGame.Options + [doHardware];
if not (do3D in DXDrawGame.Options) then
DXDrawGame.Options := DXDrawGame.Options + [do3D];
if doSystemMemory in DXDrawGame.Options then
DXDrawGame.Options := DXDrawGame.Options - [doSystemMemory];