Hi All,

Here is little project I have been working on. It`s a Doom 3 MD5 loader which support the .md5mesh and .md5anim files. It can playback the different animation sequences stored in the .md5anim files. I wrote this to familiarize myself with bone animation.

- Mouse + WASD for movement and to look arround
- F1 : Show Wireframe
- F2 : Show Bones
- F3 : Show Normals
- F4 : Show interpolated frame boundingbox
- F5 : Loop though different animations



Some features I`m going to work on:
- GPU skinning
- Instanded rendering of same character with different animation playback
- Blending of multible animations on same character.
- Different clocktypes animation playback.

Source like always is LGPL and the model can not be used commercially and is still property of ID.

