Just recently I burned out on doing websites for other people, so I took a break and dove head-first back into Free Pascal after like six to eight years away from it... and the SDL bindings are so bloody brilliant that I've churned out something other folks might find useful:

OpenGL textured fonts, from a source bitmap - with KERNING... aka the space between characters can vary and letters can even overlap (like the "ToT" combination). I tried several existing font techniques and wasn't happy with any of them, so I dove in and whipped up something 'better'.

Since I had been working in web development and am developing my own php based CMS, I figured why not churn out a site about it, another project I'm starting, any future projects/code I decide to share, and of course pascal in general.

So please, take a visit to my new website:

... and be sure to check out glKernedFont - which is in the early stages right now, but is already usable. I'm planning to extend it's capabilities further over the next few weeks. The download includes a pre-compiled windows fontdemo.exe (and the sdl.dll) - but I'd be interested in hearing if anyone is able to get it to compile/run on other platforms.

I'm also always open to suggestions, either in this thread, or via my contact form on the website.