I've been looking around the Internet and found this page: http://wiki.osdev.org/Pascal but I find it rather incomplete. Well actually, very. I then looked at the various C options, but, in all honesty, I cannot stand C one bit. So I had another look at the http://wiki.osdev.org/Pascal page and got a bootloader working but can't get any further.

I am using IsoMaster to write the stub.o (from stub.asm) to the boot record and boot it in virtual box. I've tested it and I know that it gets up to the line "call kmain" but cannot get it to go any further. Is there some sort of error that I am missing? Preferably, is there anyone out there that has written a good tutorial that is relatively easy to follow in how to build a kernel in pascal?

Many thanks in advance.

I know that this is PGD and that it stands for Pascal Game Development but I thought that this would be the place where I could find the most amount of pascal programmers, and not on some other osdev forum crammed full with C coders.