Hey Noeska

I tried your GL3.0 examples but there seem to be some problems:

Most samples given an "I/O error 6" exception in the LoadTGA() routine at line:

The ProcessKeys method in example4 gives the impression that you can control the speed:
{ Processes all the keystrokes }
procedure ProcessKeys;
if (keys[VK_UP]) then xspeed := xspeed - 0.002;
if (keys[VK_DOWN]) then xspeed := xspeed + 0.002;
if (keys[VK_RIGHT]) then yspeed := yspeed + 0.002;
if (keys[VK_LEFT]) then yspeed := yspeed - 0.002;
However, it doesn't seem to work. :?

Can you take a look at this (especially the first one)?
