While reading OpenGL specs, I noticed this:
[...] Edge flags and fixed-function vertex processing - ColorPointer, EdgeFlag-
Pointer, FogCoordPointer, IndexPointer, NormalPointer, Secondary-
ColorPointer, TexCoordPointer, VertexPointer, EnableClientState, DisableClientState,
and ClientActiveTexture (section 2.; Frustum, LoadIdentity,
LoadMatrix, LoadTransposeMatrix, MatrixMode, Mult-
Matrix, MultTransposeMatrix, Ortho, PopMatrix, PushMatrix, Rotate,
Scale, and Translate (section 2.12.2; Enable/Disable targets
RESCALE NORMAL and NORMALIZE (section 2.12.3); TexGen*
and Enable/Disable targets TEXTURE GEN * (section 2.12.4, Material* [...]
This was put in the "Deprecation Model" section, which means these functions are marked deprecated. If so, does that mean that, for example, the glLoadIdentity procedure is old, too and shouldn't be used? How do I replace it then?