After spending some time on TDG3D Engine and hl2 smd loader I've played with machine codes. It is quite interesting thing. I have never seen small source in delphi for making real EXE files, so I decided to make my own mini-compiler. (20kb) - exe+source code+examples

Currently it supports only three instructions (see readme.txt). But it's enough to compile small examples like that:

import Kernel32.dll WriteFile
import Kernel32.dll GetStdHandle

string s1 "This is a loop!"
dword count 0x00000000


call getstdhandle

push 0x00 // lpOverlapped
push @count // lpNumberOfBytesWritten
push =length(s1) // nNumberOfBytesToWrite
push @s1 // lpBuffer
push eax // hFile
call writefile
jmp label1
I release source code, maybe it will be useful, making engine script compiler to machine code, for students learning delphi, and so on.