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Thread: Make a fade effect between my animation

  1. #1

    Make a fade effect between my animation

    HELLO TO ALL I have problem when i change animation for my model smd
    Here is my problem: I want to make a fade effect between my animation
    example: running jump follows
    my motion capture are not identical

    Here is my example on megaupload

  2. #2

    Re: Make a fade effect between my animation

    I believe there was a demo showing how to do smooth transitions between two animations.

  3. #3

    Re: Make a fade effect between my animation

    hi Brainer , yes i find exemple for smooth :
    Actor1.SwitchToAnimation('run', true); true for smooth.

    but when i make this code , he show me this error :

  4. #4

    Re: Make a fade effect between my animation

    When i make
    Actor1.SwitchToAnimation('run', false);

    hi run perfectly but effect smooth(false)

  5. #5

    Re: Make a fade effect between my animation

    Yep, I encountered the same problem back then.
    You'd better subscribe to GLScene's newsgroup as it was already suggested.

  6. #6

    Re: Make a fade effect between my animation

    where ?

  7. #7

    Re: Make a fade effect between my animation

    Visit to get the details you need.


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