Hello everyone!

Version 0.99 of my engine has been released.

Whats new:
Particle System Editor

Particle systems in CAST II has a number of properties which can be represented as a set of control points or color gradients. Actual values are interpolated between the points. Now it's possible to easily edit such properties in CASTEd.

Select a particle emitter or affector in objects tree and select Window->Graph Value editor in menu to open graphic editor.
To add a control point click on an empty space on graphic. The point can be moved by mouse with pressed left button. Double click removes a point.

Material Editor

The editor opens by Window->New material option or CTRL+W shortcut.
Here available some quick settings for material as well as a list of image resources which can be used as a texture.
The editor can create a new material or modify an existing one. To modify just select a material or a visible onject in objects tree.
So now it's very easy to change a texture of an object.

Other changes
New classes, bug fixes, etc.

Download (~20MB)