Hi folks this is the project i'm working on about 6 months.

HGE 4 delphi is not just wrapped its a full 2d game engine mixed with 3d.

new Features ;
Speak system,ogg music,
file system:memory and files

Render: Direct3d,Batch,Render-targets
Tiles : Mappy Tiles,
Sound system : OpenAll(load from resorce) , mikmod and eSpeak system
Internet: DirectPlay,Sockets
Particles: Hge system,Irrlicht(style) and Papi.
Phys:Box2D and chipmunk,
InputirectInput and win api.
Shaders:load from FX files.
Sprites:HGE systems and delphix sprite engine.
Mesh:md2 animations and .x static.
CollisionolyPoint,Pixel and simple body(point)
Path Findixel find and points system;
Gui:Hge system and chain system
Steering Behaviours;
Load HDR(High dynamic range imaging) images.

Load md2,x,particles and textures from pack
