Hey folks just wanted to point out that I've been working on the Pascal Gamer site a bit and I've done a few things to enhance it a bit.

1) Site Menu; as it's been pointed out to me having the menu on all pages would make navigation a bit easier so I changed the layout a bit and now you can access the menu from all pages. (No more going back to the index page just to go back to another section on the site.

2) Contributions page; I've added a page for information about making submissions to future articles in the mag. I'm not done yet as basic instructions will soon follow once I have a bit more time.

3) Game Reviews page; I'll be adding some game reviews from past issues that can be seen from the site directly. This will also act as a nice showcase for many polished releases all made in Pascal.

4) A bit of promotion; I've added some images of yours truly holding live print copies of your favorite magazine publication! I've also added an amazon.com banner, which really is a neat bonus to the site, because I can not just hope that visitors will buy books seen from my store, but show off actual Pascal related books and software available at amazon.com.

I hope that these tweaks to the site will improve it's usefulness and that you enjoy them. Feel free to have a look once again and leave me your impressions. Thanks!