A few screenies to start:

The rather sparse main menu
Pirates take down a police ship
A heavily-outnumbered police defending an asteroid base

What is it?

Basically an Elite/Freelancer style game written in Delphi 2007. I've been working on it for a while casually, and it's been a 2D top-down game for most of its lifetime, but last year I decided to get more serious about programming, get better at the language, and teach myself OpenGL and GLSL. It doesn't actually *do* much yet but I've finished a lot of the engine stuff, and while it's far from finished, I'm taking a break from that to work on the fun gameplay-type stuff.

What I've got at the moment is the basic engine and the game which includes a faction system, simple combat AI that dodges attacks, patrols, and fires weapons intelligently, several types of weapons, dockable stations, and a WIP mining system. Multiplayer is in there but broken - I have a system based on DelphiX's DirectPlay that is disabled while I look for a better replacement.

The plan is that the finished game will be similar to Frontier or Freelancer, but with more RPG-like elements - something that would have made Freelancer's multiplayer much more enjoyable. That'll probably take the form of ship upgrades, crew experience, and character customization. I've got a class system planned out and the eventual aim is to have either a story-driven campaign or randomly generated missions for each profession.

Aaaand... that's my current project! Any feedback?