I just realised that I probably should be posting all these problems here ops:

I've hit another snag with my music seek & play program - enqueueing (whoah?) in winamp.
I'm assuming that using the ShellExecute procedure would be the way to go, so I'm working with that. I've got it to play files alright by just executing the filename, which starts the default player with the list of songs selected. But how to you use ShellExecute to start a program with parameters? Here's my code:

WinAmpLoc := 'F:\Program Files\Winamp\winamp.exe';
(I had trouble getting the location from the registry. Is it possible to read the (Default) key?)
Output = the TListView with the list of songs;
the winamp command to enqueue songs is winamp.exe /ADD <song>

procedure TForm1.EnqueueClick&#40;Sender&#58; TObject&#41;;
var i&#58; Integer;
    Song&#58; String;
  for i &#58;= 0 to &#40;Output.Items.Count - 1&#41; do
    if Output.Items.Item&#91;i&#93;.Checked then begin
      Song &#58;= 'E&#58;\Music\' + Output.Items.Item&#91;i&#93;.Caption;
      ShellExecute&#40;Handle,'open',PChar&#40;WinAmpLoc&#41;,PChar&#40;' /ADD ' + Song&#41;,nil,SW_SHOWNORMAL&#41;;
This loads winamp and plays whatever song is already queued (the demo if none). Actually it does a bunch of different things depending on what winamp is already doing. But the important thing is, it does everything except what I want it to do :evil: